SBI MF Balanced Advantage Fund Oct 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Axis Gold Fund Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
24-12-2024 22.5068
23-12-2024 22.5727
20-12-2024 22.4079
19-12-2024 22.5115
18-12-2024 22.7084
17-12-2024 22.6776
16-12-2024 22.7813
13-12-2024 22.8063
12-12-2024 23.1499
11-12-2024 22.9927
10-12-2024 22.8661
09-12-2024 22.695
06-12-2024 22.6304
05-12-2024 22.6272
04-12-2024 22.6549
03-12-2024 22.6035
02-12-2024 22.545
30-11-2024 22.6838
29-11-2024 22.6841
28-11-2024 22.6531
27-11-2024 22.6083
26-11-2024 22.3693
25-11-2024 22.7456
22-11-2024 23.0439
21-11-2024 22.8188
19-11-2024 22.5623
18-11-2024 22.258
14-11-2024 21.8405
13-11-2024 22.293
12-11-2024 22.1491
11-11-2024 22.7433
08-11-2024 22.9641
07-11-2024 22.6785
06-11-2024 23.2415
05-11-2024 23.2482
04-11-2024 23.2382
31-10-2024 23.5882
30-10-2024 23.6319
29-10-2024 23.4433
28-10-2024 23.2009
25-10-2024 23.0982
24-10-2024 23.2053
23-10-2024 23.3594
22-10-2024 23.1851
21-10-2024 23.2149
18-10-2024 22.9808
17-10-2024 22.7633
16-10-2024 22.7498
15-10-2024 22.5148
14-10-2024 22.6124
11-10-2024 22.4887
10-10-2024 22.2673
09-10-2024 22.2432
08-10-2024 22.4023
07-10-2024 22.5426
04-10-2024 22.6138
03-10-2024 22.5425
01-10-2024 22.4924
30-09-2024 22.4857
27-09-2024 22.4965
26-09-2024 22.5412
25-09-2024 22.4694
24-09-2024 22.2792
23-09-2024 22.1906
20-09-2024 22.0644
19-09-2024 21.9686
18-09-2024 21.8656
17-09-2024 21.8555
16-09-2024 21.9418
13-09-2024 21.7804
12-09-2024 21.4595
11-09-2024 21.4701
10-09-2024 21.3396
09-09-2024 21.2709
06-09-2024 21.4408
05-09-2024 21.4098
04-09-2024 21.1846
03-09-2024 21.3538
02-09-2024 21.357
31-08-2024 21.443
30-08-2024 21.4432
29-08-2024 21.4228
28-08-2024 21.4161
27-08-2024 21.4232
26-08-2024 21.5025
23-08-2024 21.317
22-08-2024 21.3894
21-08-2024 21.3861
20-08-2024 21.4553
19-08-2024 21.4004
16-08-2024 21.0513
14-08-2024 21.0688
13-08-2024 21.0415
12-08-2024 20.8836
09-08-2024 20.8361
08-08-2024 20.5771
07-08-2024 20.6429
06-08-2024 20.7493
05-08-2024 20.873
02-08-2024 21.1251
01-08-2024 20.9445
31-07-2024 20.8007
30-07-2024 20.7392
29-07-2024 21.2231
26-07-2024 21.3708
25-07-2024 21.8744
24-07-2024 21.1564
23-07-2024 21.3596
22-07-2024 21.9661
19-07-2024 22.177
18-07-2024 22.3251
16-07-2024 22.0999
15-07-2024 21.9388
12-07-2024 21.9085
11-07-2024 21.8674
10-07-2024 21.8126
09-07-2024 21.768
08-07-2024 21.82
05-07-2024 21.8068
04-07-2024 21.7453
03-07-2024 21.6424
02-07-2024 21.536
01-07-2024 21.5017
28-06-2024 21.5161
27-06-2024 21.3712
26-06-2024 21.4336
25-06-2024 21.4857
24-06-2024 21.4478
21-06-2024 21.8259
20-06-2024 21.6461
19-06-2024 21.5391
18-06-2024 21.4079
14-06-2024 21.4607
13-06-2024 21.4783
12-06-2024 21.4958
11-06-2024 21.4405
10-06-2024 21.3401
07-06-2024 21.6213
06-06-2024 21.7901
05-06-2024 21.5493
04-06-2024 21.484
03-06-2024 21.5359
31-05-2024 21.668
30-05-2024 21.6304
29-05-2024 21.703
28-05-2024 21.6929
27-05-2024 21.631
24-05-2024 21.5866
23-05-2024 21.8257
22-05-2024 22.1861
21-05-2024 22.2279
17-05-2024 21.9313
16-05-2024 21.9142
15-05-2024 21.8659
14-05-2024 21.6581
13-05-2024 21.6307
10-05-2024 21.8834
09-05-2024 21.3952
08-05-2024 21.4509
07-05-2024 21.51
06-05-2024 21.4859
03-05-2024 21.3823
02-05-2024 21.5769
30-04-2024 21.5669
29-04-2024 21.7056
26-04-2024 21.7375
25-04-2024 21.4979
24-04-2024 21.4495
23-04-2024 21.3346
22-04-2024 21.8127
19-04-2024 21.9407
18-04-2024 21.923
16-04-2024 21.8785
15-04-2024 21.6259
12-04-2024 21.7932
10-04-2024 21.4737
09-04-2024 21.4496
08-04-2024 21.2586
05-04-2024 20.8866
04-04-2024 20.974
03-04-2024 20.8139
02-04-2024 20.7583
01-04-2024 20.5606
31-03-2024 19.9997
28-03-2024 20.0002
27-03-2024 19.8663
26-03-2024 19.9043
22-03-2024 19.7838
21-03-2024 19.9904
20-03-2024 19.6842
19-03-2024 19.6568
18-03-2024 19.6328
15-03-2024 19.6911
14-03-2024 19.6913
13-03-2024 19.6396
12-03-2024 19.747
11-03-2024 19.7714
07-03-2024 19.5684
06-03-2024 19.3301
05-03-2024 19.3442
04-03-2024 19.0506
01-03-2024 18.8116
29-02-2024 18.7079
28-02-2024 18.6942
27-02-2024 18.7359
26-02-2024 18.6668
23-02-2024 18.6049
22-02-2024 18.6917
21-02-2024 18.6711
20-02-2024 18.6227
19-02-2024 18.654
16-02-2024 18.5784
15-02-2024 18.5128
14-02-2024 18.4571
13-02-2024 18.7356
12-02-2024 18.7149
09-02-2024 18.7397
08-02-2024 18.7884
07-02-2024 18.8475
06-02-2024 18.7335
05-02-2024 18.7613
02-02-2024 18.9244
01-02-2024 18.8553
31-01-2024 18.8659
30-01-2024 18.776
29-01-2024 18.7553
25-01-2024 18.6591
24-01-2024 18.7182

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